Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Suffering from senioritis? Join the club

A new pandemic has hit Bethel. H1N1 had its time to shine, but now senioritis is taking the lime light for a bit. 

How can one be motivated to do anything during his or her last semester of college? Good grades have always been important to me — and they still are — but I've caught myself frequently using the phrase, "I'm a senior and it's my last semester. I'll deal." And I'm not alone.

I'm no slacker by any means, but it's interesting that "senioritis" can grab a hold of the straight A student as well as the average C producing student. It's been a long journey of midterms, finals, projects, and massive research papers, and once that final semester hits I think my whole being cries out to slow down and smell the roses (or the snow). 

I still care about doing my best; I still care about getting an A (yes, I'm a nerd), but honestly I'm tired. And there isn't much good to look forward to after graduation. Hmm, let's see here: unemployment, moving back home (although the home-cooked meals and free laundry make it a plus) and the fear that I will never get that "dream job" that I paid so dearly for here at Bethel. 

Who knows, maybe life isn't so glum. I just hope that a cure can be found, and soon. 

1 comment:

  1. dear hannah!!! i love that u blogged!!! senior-ritice can also be intensified by some of the following conditions, which i share:
    1.european travel
    2.already applied to gradschool with last semesters grades
    3.planning trips to paris
    4. already being registered for graduation
    5. european travel.

    i miss u. come visit me soon, okay?
