Friday, June 25, 2010

Have they all gone mad?

I like vampires as much as the next girl -- maybe more -- but after reading about the flocks of women in their mid-twenties camping out to attend the premier of "Eclipse" in L.A., I couldn't help but cringe. Not only do I understand the fascination with vampires, but I also understand fan's loyalty/borderline obsession with films, as one who contemplated dressing up for the last two Lord of the Rings midnight showings (did you notice I only contemplated it?). But still.

These aren't young girls who don't know any better, these are women who have to take off work, and drive hundreds of miles to attend a 2 1/2 hour event. A group of three women even dropped $2,500 to fly in to sunny California from Michigan. Is it just me or couldn't that money have been used in much better ways? A trip to Paris or maybe something as mundane as paying rent?

I won't deny there is an allure to vampires, but I also know they aren't real. So who's going to break it to them?

Friday, June 18, 2010

How to...

Kill time. Yes, believe it or not there are people out there who are bored. They may be bored at work, at home, at school, or just bored regardless of where they are. So here are a few tips to pass the time while also avoiding turning into a lazy bum.

Read the news. Cosmo and InStyle do not count. I may have a bias since I'm a journalist, but still. It never hurt anyone to become an informed citizen through reading the newspaper. In fact, you may be surprised at the plethora of little facts and tid-bits you just didn't know about the world. It's not like I'm telling you to go drink cough syrup in a martini glass, unless you have a cold, of course.

Read something fun. OK, pull out your InStyle (or Sports Illustrated) and go at it. As long as you're filling your head with informative news, it doesn't hurt to emerse yourself in something fun too. Plus, who doesn't want to know the eating habits of Jessica Simpson?

Take a longer lunch. If you're only allowed 30 minute lunch breaks, don't go over that limit. But if they give you some leeway, say, up to an hour long lunch, then take all of it. You may not have much to do, but it beats sitting at your desk for that extra 30 minutes. Lounge in the grass, although make sure what you're sitting on is in fact grass. That could make for an awkward return to the job or classroom.

Discover the Twin Cities. Go outside of your comfort zone. If you don't venture to the Twin Cities very often, then learn what it has to offer and make your weekend plans. Knowing you will be trying something new at the end of the week will help make the days fly by. The Twin Cities is known for its night life, so find out why.

Go for a run. You don't have to run a marathon, but even going for a 20 minute jog will make you feel accomplished, especially if it's been a slow, unproductive day.

When all else fails, just do what I do: write a blog.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hollywood's latest flick 'Splices' morality

*Warning: There are spoiler alerts, so if you were planning on going to see it—don't.

I don't know what's worse: sitting through 45 minutes of stop-and-go traffic or sitting through 1 hour and 44 minutes of "Splice". I would have to say "Splice".

When this latest "horror" movie hit the big screen, I was prepared to be scared silly, especially since every time the preview would come on TV I could barely watch it without yelling, "How scary! How scary!" But the only thing scary about this movie was the fact that Adrien Brody decided to star in it after reading the script. What's also disturbing is that Hollywood doesn't seem to know how to properly advertise its movies without misleading its audience, said Miss Led.

The preview was clearly trying to promote a sci-fi horror movie; instead, it turned out to be a twisted "drama" that follows a bizarre couple who work as scientists who splice the DNA of different animals together to create new species that can help cure diseases. That is how they created Dren, whose DNA is comprised of amphibian and bird DNA. And oh yes, human DNA, which is a project their bosses did not approve. But of course, if these two scientists didn't break the rules, there would be no movie. There would also be one less disturbed viewer.

Now the first hour wasn't so bad. I sat there watching Dren grow at an accelerated rate (she went from a baby to a toddler within a matter of days) and kept waiting for her to grow little horns (which wouldn't have been so outlandish since she sprouted wings as a teenager) and start doing some splicing and dicing of her own. Instead, I had to watch Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley love and care for this thing as if it was a human being when in reality it is a thing.

I will say it did get scary toward the end when a sex scene ensued between Brody and the fish-like, bird-like, human-like creature. Half of the audience burst out in awkward laughter. The other half must have been so disgusted that laughter just wouldn't come. I fell into both categories. I wish I had also fell into the category of people who walked out after Dren changed sex (yes, she changed into a he) and raped his/her "mother" in the end where Sarah Polley then finally killed it. Too bad she didn't kill it sooner since we all know what happens when people have unprotected sex, even if it is with a fish-like, bird-like, human-like creature.