Friday, June 18, 2010

How to...

Kill time. Yes, believe it or not there are people out there who are bored. They may be bored at work, at home, at school, or just bored regardless of where they are. So here are a few tips to pass the time while also avoiding turning into a lazy bum.

Read the news. Cosmo and InStyle do not count. I may have a bias since I'm a journalist, but still. It never hurt anyone to become an informed citizen through reading the newspaper. In fact, you may be surprised at the plethora of little facts and tid-bits you just didn't know about the world. It's not like I'm telling you to go drink cough syrup in a martini glass, unless you have a cold, of course.

Read something fun. OK, pull out your InStyle (or Sports Illustrated) and go at it. As long as you're filling your head with informative news, it doesn't hurt to emerse yourself in something fun too. Plus, who doesn't want to know the eating habits of Jessica Simpson?

Take a longer lunch. If you're only allowed 30 minute lunch breaks, don't go over that limit. But if they give you some leeway, say, up to an hour long lunch, then take all of it. You may not have much to do, but it beats sitting at your desk for that extra 30 minutes. Lounge in the grass, although make sure what you're sitting on is in fact grass. That could make for an awkward return to the job or classroom.

Discover the Twin Cities. Go outside of your comfort zone. If you don't venture to the Twin Cities very often, then learn what it has to offer and make your weekend plans. Knowing you will be trying something new at the end of the week will help make the days fly by. The Twin Cities is known for its night life, so find out why.

Go for a run. You don't have to run a marathon, but even going for a 20 minute jog will make you feel accomplished, especially if it's been a slow, unproductive day.

When all else fails, just do what I do: write a blog.

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