Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Is it just me or has a lot changed?

I’m ashamed. I recently realized that it’s been more than a year since I last blogged. To be fair, I’ve had a little bit on my plate. In the last year I got a new job and a house. Oh yeah, and I got married.

But still. Shame on me.

Well, I’m back in the saddle. I’ve polished my keyboard (not really) and cracked my knuckles. Let’s get rolling.

First, I’ve been wracking my brain for some kind of theme for this blog, but frankly I’ve decided to raise the white flag and keep it as a collection of miscellaneous musings.

Now even though a lot has happened over the last year, it won’t do much good to recap everything. First of all, that would be like a book. Second, I just don’t think the whole year is worth recapping. So how about some of the highlights?

* New job: I work at the Stillwater Gazette, a.k.a. my hometown newspaper. I’m a reporter (yay!) and pretty much cover everything in Stillwater and the surrounding communities. And when I say I cover them, I mean that I try my best despite the fact that it’s at least a 2-3 person job.

*House: I’m a homeowner. I bet you didn’t see that one coming, huh?

*Married life: This is by far the best thing that has happened in my life so far. Wow, that probably sounded like a quote from a 1950’s homemaker, but it’s true. I still have my career and what could actually beat coming home to your favorite person every day?

OK, recapping is over. Those, in a nutshell, are the milestones of the year, which most of you probably already knew. Still, I figured they’re still worth mentioning.

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